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《中英對照讀新聞》Vast majority of Japanese don't want US beef 絕大多數日本人不吃美國牛肉

2005/12/11 06:00


Most Japanese say they will not eat US beef when it re-enters the lucrative market this month after a twoyear ban due to cases of mad cow disease, a poll said.


Some 75.2 percent of Japanese surveyed by Kyodo News said they were unwilling to eat US beef against only 21.2 percent who were willing.


The reluctance towards US beef was especially strong among women, who often make household shopping decisions in Japan. Nearly 83 percent of Japanese women plan to avoid US beef, compared with 67 percent of men, the poll said.


Of the Japanese who plan to shun US beef, some 62.5 percent cited health concerns and another 20.6 percent said they could easily buy domestic or Australian beef instead, according to the poll, which surveyed 1,009 people over the weekend.


Japan could give the final green light to US and Canadian beef imports within days after an official panel said North American beef posed little danger if the cattle were killed young and the risky body parts removed.



lucrative︰形容詞,指賺錢的、利潤豐厚的。例句︰The supermodel has scored a lucrative deal with a mobile phone operator.(這位超級名模已和行動電話業者達成一項利潤豐厚的交易。)

to shun:動詞, 避開、避免。例句︰He was shunned by his former friends.(他的老朋友們都迴避他。)

to give the green light:片語, 准許、許可。例句︰The government gave the green light to gay marriage.(政府允許同性戀者結婚。)

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