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《中英對照讀新聞》Florida woman stabs co-worker over who heats up soup 佛羅里達州女子為誰先熱湯刺傷同事

2005/11/07 06:00


A woman stabbed her co-worker at a Florida drugstore in a bizzare and bloody fight over which of them would get to heat her soup first in a microwave, police in Broward County said recently.


The incident took place when Mellesia Grant, 23, argued with colleague Merloze Tilme, 20, about who was first in line to zap her soup in Tamarac, a town north of Miami.


"Grant picked up a large kitchen knife that had been left on the counter and stabbed Tilme in the abdomen. The two then fought over the knife, each cutting their hands on the blade. The store manager broke up the brawl and dialed 911 to report the bloody altercation," the police report reads.


Tilme's wounds were not serious, and she should be released from the hospital soon. Grant was arrested and jailed on 50,000 dollar's bond.She faces aggravated assault charges.





zap:及物動詞,俚語,以微波加熱。zap有「殺死、摧毀」的意思,如High-dose radiation zaps prostate cancer(高劑量放射線可殺死攝護腺癌);它也指以X光等加以輻射。

break up:動詞片語,解散,結束。


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