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《中英對照讀新聞》Man jokes about terrorism at German airport 男子在德國機場開恐怖攻擊的玩笑

2010/01/26 06:00


A German man was temporarily detained at Stuttgart airport on Tuesday after he repeatedly told security personnel that he had explosives in his underwear, police said.


The 42-year-old man apparently was joking about the failed attempt by a Nigerian man to blow up a jetliner bound for Detroit on Christmas Day by igniting explosives concealed in his underwear.


Police said a full body search of the German man did not turn up any explosives. However, Tuifly airline refused to let the man, his wife and daughter board the plane to Egypt, where they planned a vacation.


The police said in a statement that the family would not be refunded for the cost of their canceled trip and could ’’expect a fine of up to euro 1,000...and possible costs for the police operation.’’ The names of the man, his wife and daughter were withheld in accordance with German privacy laws.



blow up︰片語,爆炸、炸掉。例句︰The Taliban blew up a girls’ school in Pakistan’s Khyber district.(「神學士」炸掉巴基斯坦開柏區的一間女子學校。)

turn up︰片語,出現、找到。例句︰The police have apparently turned up some new evidence.(警方顯然已找到一些新的證據。)

refund︰動詞,退還、歸還。例句︰Will my travel expenses be refunded?(我的旅費能退還嗎?)

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