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《中英對照讀英文 》Russia’s Putin strips for stardom, again 俄羅斯的普廷再次為明星光環脫衣

2009/09/06 06:00


Russia’s Putin strips for stardom, again


Eat your heart out, Sarkozy. Stand back, Barack. Vladimir Putin proved that even a gimlet-eyed Russian politician can rise to the status of global celebrity in the multimedia age, as pictures of his bare chest and manly deeds on Siberian holiday caused tongues to wag worldwide.


Two state-owned Russian television channels recently broadcasted video of Putin’s gym-toned arms chopping through the water in a butterfly stroke and others showing him riding bare-chested on horseback.


Within hours, everyone from the BBC to the tabloids seized on the story, apparently grateful for a bit of middle-aged beefcake in August, the slowest of news months.


Moscow invented the cult of personality, and Putin has long been touted as a kind of post-Soviet superman here.


His feats play differently at home and abroad, drawing admiration from an adoring Russian public and scorn from skeptics abroad.



eat one’s heart out:片語,原指非常傷心,如The children are eating their hearts out over their lost dog. (狗兒走失了,孩子們非常難過。)但若把名人姓名接在此片語後使用,即表示說話者在開玩笑,戲稱他們比這位名人還要好,例如I’m singing in the village production of Tosca next month - eat your heart out Pavarotti!(我下個月要在村裡的托斯卡歌劇表演裡獻唱,很傷心吧,帕華洛帝!)

cause/set (some)tongues to wag:片語,指引人議論,引發八卦話題,如The way she was so scantily dressed will also cause tongues to wag.(她穿得那麼少,一定會引發非議。)


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