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《中英對照讀新聞》German State Recognizes Roma as National Minority 德國一個州承認羅姆人(吉普賽人)為全國性少數民族

2005/08/12 06:00


The German state of Rhineland-Palatinate recently became the first in the country to formally protect the language and culture of the Sinti and Roma, also known as Gypsies.


The agreement establishes the Sinti and Roma as a national minority, meaning the government is obliged to protect their language and financially support their culture. In addition, Roma and Sinti history will be taught in state schools.


「With this agreement we want to make a difference in terms of discrimination and the rights of the Sinti and Roma in society,」Rhineland-Palatinate governor Kurt Beck said after signing the agreement.


Jacques Delfeld, who heads the German Sinti and Roman Association and countersigned the agreement, said while Germans are sensitive to minorities in general, Roma and Sinti continue to face discrimination in everyday life, leading many to deny their origins.


In case of discrimination, the agreement obliges the government to take measures to support the minority. About 80,000 gypsies live in Germany, some 8,000 of them in Rhineland-Palatinate.




persecution:名詞,迫害。The heretic met with severe persecution.(那個異教徒遭到殘酷迫害。)

discrimination:不公平待遇,歧視。Is there racial discrimination in your country?(你們國家是否存在種族歧視?)

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