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《中英對照讀新聞》Singapore MP set on fire in attack by 70-yr-old/新加坡國會議員遭70歲老人縱火攻擊

2009/01/14 06:00


A Singaporean member of parliament was attacked and set on fire on Sunday by a 70-year-old man who was angry at not being given a Chinese New Year gift, the country’s state broadcaster said.


Seng Han Thong was taken to hospital with between 10 and 15 percent burns after the assault during a ceremony to present Chinese New Year gifts at a community club, Channel NewsAsia reported.


The chairman of a nearby Chinese temple Aw Swee Seng, who organised the event, also suffered. "A man ran in, lit a bottle of kerosene and threw it at Mr Seng. Half of Mr Seng’s hair was burnt ... his back suffered burns as well," a witness named Zhang said.


Temple officials said the man was disgruntled at not being selected to receive the hong bao, which contained S$200 ($135.)


Singapore was the first country in Asia to fall into a recession last year. It has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, ahead of the United States on 2007 figures, but ranks alongside Kenya for income disparity. The ruling People’s Action Party says welfare should not be a crutch and there is no unemployment benefit.



set on fire︰(片語)縱火,play with fire(玩火)、pull out of fire(使轉危為安);例句︰He who plays with fire gets burned.(玩火者必自焚。)

disgruntled︰不滿的、不高興的。例句︰The workers are disgruntled with their wages.(工人對他們的工資感到不滿。)

crutch︰T字型柺杖、精神支柱、依靠。例句︰Religion was her crutch in times of sorrow.(宗教是她憂傷時的精神支柱。)

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