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《中英對照讀新聞》Air traffic controller wanted... application available in braille/徵求飛航管制員…申請書只有點字法版

2008/08/03 06:00


A small British airport advertised for an air traffic controller -- and offered those interested an application pack in braille, British media reported Friday.


According to the website for Saint Mary’s Airport on the Isles of Scilly, off the southwest tip of England, controllers need to be able to keep a close eye on the changeable weather as their work "is not over-dependent upon very costly and sophisticated electronic equipment".


But applicants for the job could still ask for an application pack in large type, braille or audio format, newspapers said.


A spokesman for the local council said the wording was included on all job advertisements, while the Royal National Institute for the Blind praised its "good practice".




keep a close eye on sth:片語,密切注意或觀察。例句:The world has been keeping a close eye on China’s human right status. (全球都在密切注意中國人權狀況。)

sophisticated:形容詞,(人)世故的、(東西)精緻的、精密的。a sophisticated weapon system,精密的武器系統。

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