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《中英對照讀新聞》In German politics, image isn't everything now

2005/05/28 06:00


In two successive state elections this year, lacklustre conservative candidates who many Germans considered political lightweights won victories over respected rivals on the left.


Now Angela Merkel, the dour, unadorned leader of Germany's Christian Democrats (CDU), is tipped to oust Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in a parliamentary election set for mid-September.


“This is not shaping up as an election where people will vote their gut or with their heart,” said Axel Wallraenstein, a communications advisor who worked for former Chancellor Helmut Kohl. “The usual theatre will play only a minor role.”


Analysts say many Germans have simply grown fed up with the politicians who have presided over the downward spiral of Europe's largest economy, and want change at any cost.




theatre:名詞,戲院,重大事件發生場所。theater of war,戰區,故「戰區飛彈防禦系統」即為 Theater Missile Defense System。

be fed up:被餵飽,引申「受夠了」的意思。fed 為 feed(動詞,飼養,使滿足)的過去式與過去分詞。

at any cost:不惜任何代價,另一種說法為 at all costs。例句:We will win this game at any cost.(我們會不惜任何代價贏得這場比賽。)

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