中英對照讀新聞》Rare typescript of ’The Little Prince’ goes on sale for $1.25 million「小王子」珍稀打字稿以125萬美元拍賣
A rare typescript of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s "The Little Prince", containing extensive handwritten corrections by the French author and described by book dealers as "literary treasure", will soon go on sale for $1.25 million.
A candidate for the world’s most translated book outside of religious texts, the novella about a child who travels from planet to planet gaining wisdom was published in 1943 at the height of World War Two.
The other two of the three known copies in existence sit in France’s national library and the Harry Ransom Center in Texas.
The typescript features what is thought to be the first written appearance of one of the book’s most famous lines: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; the essential is invisible to the eye."
treasure:名詞,寶藏、珍寶。例句:There’s no doubt that Monna Lisa is priceless treasure of Louvre Museum.(蒙娜麗莎無疑是羅浮宮的無價珍寶)
invisible:形容詞,隱形的、無形的。例句:The ability of being invisible is crucial in modern warfare.(隱形能力在現代戰爭中至關重要)
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