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中英對照讀新聞》Mountain goat stuck under Kansas City bridge survives rocky rescue受困堪薩斯市橋下的山羊艱險獲救

2024/04/13 05:30



A mountain goat that escaped from its owner and somehow got stuck under a Kansas City bridge has survived a rocky rescue effort.


Firefighters were called Monday after people spotted the animal hopping around on the pillars that support the bridge, high above the ground below, The Kansas City Star reports.


Hoping to lower it down to waiting rescuers, a bystander managed to get a rope around the goat’s neck, said Tori Fugate, of the KC Pet Project, a nonprofit that handles animal control for the city and operates shelters.


When the goat began to buck, rescuers cut the rope, and a veterinarian sedated it so it could be taken to a shelter for care.


“While he is not out of the woods yet, he appears to be stable and we are cautiously optimistic that he’ll recover,” Fugate said.



rocky:形容詞,指岩石構成的、多岩石的、崎嶇難行的、身體搖搖晃晃的、頭暈目眩的、不穩定的、不牢靠的、動搖不定的。例句:Our relationship got off to a rocky start.(我們的關係一開始就不穩定。)

out of the woods:片語,指脫離險境、走出困境。例句:As soon as his temperature is down, he’ll be out of the woods.(只要體溫降下來,他就能脫離險境。)

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