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中英對照讀新聞》A California dog missing since the summer is found in Michigan一隻夏天以來失蹤的加州狗狗在密西根州被發現

2024/04/06 05:30


A dog missing in California since the summer turned up more than 2,000 miles away in suburban Detroit.


Police in Harper Woods responded to a call about a stray dog last week, picked up the terrier mix and contacted an animal welfare group.


The Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society said it quickly discovered that the dog, named Mishka, had an identity chip implanted in her with information about her owners.


Mehrad Houman and his family live in San Diego but were planning to travel to Minnesota when the call came in. He landed there and then drove 10 hours to Michigan for a reunion with Mishka, the adoption group said on a Facebook post with pictures and video.


Mishka had wandered away from Houman’s workplace in July and never returned. Her collar had the family’s phone number.



wander:動詞,指漫步、閒逛、遊蕩、離題、走神、心不在焉、私自逃跑、因年老而神智恍惚。例句:You’ve wandered off the point somewhat.(你有點離題了。)

collar:名詞,衣領、頸圈。動詞,扭住(某人)的衣領、捕捉住。例句: I turned up my collar against the wind .(我豎起衣領來抗風。)

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