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中英對照讀新聞》Chinese embassy warns of plastic surgery risks in South Korea 中國大使館警告在南韓做整形手術的風險

2024/03/20 05:30


◎ 管淑平

China’s embassy in Seoul has warned citizens against the dangers of having plastic surgery done in South Korea.


South Korea is one of the world’s most popular destinations for medical tourism, canvassing foreign patients in the past decade, the bulk of whom come from China and the United States, data provider Statista says.


"In recent years, many foreigners have come to South Korea for cosmetic surgery, and some people have been involved in medical disputes and surgical failures and even deaths have occurred," the Chinese embassy said in a note to the public.


"If there is a major change in (your) postoperative appearance, or if you are still in the postoperative recovery stage, you should bring the surgical certificate when you leave the country," the embassy added.


Such a precaution would help avoid complications with check-in or subsequent entry and exit procedures, it said. (Reuters)




canvass:動詞,遊說(爭取支持),徵求意見。例句:Phone canvassing is a way to get out the vote.(電話拜票是催票的一種方式。)

bulk:名詞,大量。例句:I spend the bulk of my time preparing for the college entrance exam.(我大部分時間都在準備這場大學入學考試。)

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