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中英對照讀新聞》Guinness World Records reviews evidence related to ‘oldest dog’ title金氏世界紀錄複審「最年長的狗」頭銜相關證據

2024/01/20 05:30



Guinness World Records (GWR) says it is conducting a formal review of the “world’s oldest dog” title it gave to a Portuguese canine named Bobi, who died last year.


The move follows complaints by veterinarians who raised doubts over his age.


Bobi was a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo who spent his life in a village in central Portugal. The GWR originally said the creature lived for 31 years and 165 days, breaking a record held since 1939 by an Australian cattle dog that died at 29 years and five months.


According to Bobi’s owner Leonel Costa, some veterinarians were upset because he attributed Bobi’s longevity to factors including a steady diet of “human food” rather than pet food, which he said was often recommended by those in the sector.



doubt:名詞,指懷疑、疑慮、疑問。例句:The future of the building is in doubt because of a lack of money.(由於缺乏資金,這棟大樓能否建成還不確定。)

attribute:名詞,指特質、、屬性;動詞,指歸因於、歸咎於、認為某人事物具有。例句:Kindness is one of his attributes.(仁慈是他的特質之一。)

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