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中英對照讀新聞》21 dead after a wind-tossed boat overturns in the Philippines 一艘被風吹得顛簸的船在菲律賓翻覆 造成21人死亡

2023/09/06 05:30



At least 21 people died and 40 others were rescued after a Philippine passenger boat overturned on Thursday when it was lashed by strong winds in Laguna Lake southeast of Manila, police said.


The incident happened as the passengers onboard suddenly moved to one side of the boat in panic when it came under fierce winds shortly after departing from a wharf for a nearby island.


The boat overturned only about 46 meters from the shore, the coast guard said.


The Rizal provincial police said they immediately launched a search and rescue operation with the help of the coast guard and other local authorities, and that at least 40 people were saved but that 21 others drowned. (AP)



toss:動詞,顛簸,翻來覆去。例句:The ship was tossed in the stormy sea.(這艘船在暴風雨的海中顛簸。)

come under:片語,突然遭受、遭遇某事物或經歷。例句:We came under heavy artillery fire.(我們遭遇猛烈砲擊。)

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