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中英對照讀新聞》Study: Shrinking ice leads to more powerful waves in Sea of Okhotsk 研究:冰量減少致使鄂霍次克海海浪更強

2023/05/26 05:30



Winter waves in the Sea of Okhotsk have strengthened by 12 to 15 percent on average per decade since the 1980s as global warming has shrunk flow-blocking sea ice and drift ice, data showed.


Shinsuke Iwasaki, a researcher of

the Sapporo-based Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, used three types of observation data provided from Japan, the United States and Europe to run simulations of waves over the past 40 years in the Sea of Okhotsk from December to February.


Sea ice and drift ice can naturally dampen the force of waves. But the shrinking ice could also possibly reduce sea-level pressure, resulting in stronger sea surface winds in surrounding areas, according to Iwasaki.



lead to:慣用語,導致,引起。例句:Not getting enough physical activity can lead to heart disease.(身體活動不足會導致心臟疾病。)


dampen:動詞,使受潮;使平穩;潑冷水;使消沉。例句:A serious violation of the ceasefire agreement would dampen the hope for peace. (嚴重違反停火協議將削弱和平希望。)

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