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中英對照讀新聞》Germany wants to reuse data centers’heat. No one is buying it 德國希望重複利用數據中心熱能,沒人買帳

2023/02/22 05:30



Germany wants to force its power-hungry data centers to harness excess heat for warming residential homes — an effort which the industry warns is likely to fall flat.


While in theory an innovative way to reduce the industry’s immense carbon footprint, experts have pointed to a flaw in the government’s proposal: potential recipients of waste heat are not being compelled to take it.


“The challenge here is finding someone who can use that heat economically, ”according to Ralph Hintemann, senior researcher at the data center lobby group Borderstep.


The energy efficiency law being prepared by the government aims to save some 500 terawatt-hours of energy by 2030.



buy:動詞,接受,相信,同意。例句:We don’t buy your story.(我們不接受你的說法。)

fall flat:片語,未達預期成效。例句:Our marketing strategies fall flat.(我們的行銷策略成效不佳。)

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