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中英對照讀新聞》Deaths of 3 endangered Cambodian dolphins raise alarm 3頭瀕絕柬埔寨淡水豚之死引發警訊

2023/01/02 05:30

柬埔寨近期有3頭健康的瀕危淡水豚「伊洛瓦底江豚」在短短不到10天內相繼死亡。 (美聯社)


Three endangered freshwater dolphins have died within less than 10 days of each other, alarming conservationists in Cambodia.


The death of a third healthy dolphin in such a brief period indicates “an increasingly alarming situation and the need for an intensive law enforcement be urgently conducted in the dolphin habitats,” the World Wildlife Fund said in an announcement Monday.


The latest Irrawaddy dolphin death — believed to have stemmed from entanglement in an illegal fishing line — spotlighted the need for law enforcement to help save the species, also known as the Mekong River dolphin, according to the statement


The WWF said the body of a healthy female dolphin estimated to be between 7 and 10 years old was found floating in the river Saturday in the eastern province of Kratie.(AP)



habitat:名詞,(動植物的)生長地,棲息地。例句:With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat.(大片林地被砍伐,很多野生動物正失去天然棲息地。)

stem from sth:動詞片語,源自;由…造成。例句:All my problems stem from drink.(我所有的問題都源於酗酒。)

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