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中英對照讀新聞》Tiger Woods turned down $700-800M to play LIV Golf老虎伍茲拒絕以7到8億美元的報酬打利夫高球賽

2022/10/28 05:30



Tiger Woods turned down an offer worth approximately $700-$800 million to join the Saudi-backed LIV Golf series, according to the tour’s CEO Greg Norman.


During an interview on Fox News that aired on Monday, former world No. 1 Norman was asked by Tucker Carlson if it was true that Woods was offered $700-$800 million to join the LIV Golf series.


"That number was out there before I became CEO," Norman replied. "So, that number’s been out there, yes. Look, Tiger’s a needle mover, right?


"So, of course, you’re going to look at the best of the best. They had originally approached Tiger before I became CEO, so, yes, that number is somewhere in that neighborhood."



turn down:片語,拒絕(提議或請求)。例句:He asked her out for a movie, but she turned him down.(他邀她出去看電影,但她拒絕。)

needle mover:名詞,把慣用語move the needle改成名詞。move the needle,指移動測量工具上的指針,形容造成顯著的改變,needle mover就是「造成顯著改變的人」。

(somewhere) in the neighborhood of (some amount):慣用語,差不多或接近某個數字或數量;形容特定數量或測量結果。例句:Her rent is in the neighborhood of $1000 per month.(她的房租約莫是每月1千美元。)

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