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中英對照讀新聞》17-year-old pilot sets record for solo flight around world 17歲飛行員創下獨自環繞世界飛行紀錄

2022/10/12 05:30



A 17-year-old pilot became the youngest person to fly solo around the world in a small aircraft after he landed on Wednesday in Bulgaria, where his journey kicked off five months ago.


Mack Rutherford, a Belgian-British dual national, landed on an airstrip west of Bulgaria’s capital, Sofia, to complete his task and to claim two Guinness World Records.


Along with becoming the youngest person to fly around the world by himself, Rutherford is the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe in a microlight plane.


Rutherford said he hoped his achievement would inspire young people to pursue their dreams. (AP)



kick off:片語,(比賽、事情)開始(發生);突然生氣。例句:The game kicked off at six o’clock.(這場比賽在六點開始。)

circumnavigate:動詞,環繞;繞行、避開。例句:They are going to circumnavigate the world in canoes.(他們將乘獨木舟環繞世界。)

pursue:動詞,追捕,追究;從事或追求(一項計畫)。例句:He plans to pursue a career in the media.(他打算投身媒體業。)

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