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中英對照讀新聞》’You’ve won your weight in oysters!’ - note in shells stops thieves(「你已贏得和你體重相當的生蠔!」 殼內放紙條阻偷竊)

2022/04/14 05:30



When thieves stole three tonnes of oysters from French 60-year-old shellfish farmer Christophe Guinot, he came up with a solution: planting secret notes inside oyster shells to help police track down the thieves.


The oysters are reared in cages, attached by wires to a metal frame that stops them drifting away. Thieves take a boat out to the cages and pluck them from the water.


Guinot takes an empty oyster shell, insert a tiny rolled-up note, glue the shell back together and drop it into the cage. The note tells whoever opens the shell that they have won their own weight in oysters, and invites them to call to claim their prize.


Anyone claiming their prize could be asked where they bought the oysters, and if it was not from somewhere that Guinot supplies, he could set the police on the trail of the thieves.(Reuters)



shellfish:名詞,甲殼類水生動物。例句:Shrimps, lobsters and crabs are all shellfish.(蝦、龍蝦和螃蟹都是甲殼類水生動物。)

rear:動詞,養育、飼養。例句:The lady rears six dogs.(這位女士養了6隻狗。)

pluck:動詞,採、摘、拔。例句:He plucked the key out of my hand and ran away.(他從我手裡搶走鑰匙後跑走了。)

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