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《中英對照讀新聞》Denmark's Crown Princess Mary is expecting 丹麥王子妃瑪莉懷孕了

2005/04/29 06:00

◎ 魏國金

Denmark's Crown Prince Frederik and his wife, Crown Princess Mary, are expecting their first child, the Danish royal court announced.


"The Crown Princess is expecting to give birth to a child by the end of October this year. The childbirth is expected to take place at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen," the royal court said in a statement.


Danes have been eagerly awaiting news of Australian-born Mary's pregnancy ever since she was married in great pomp and circumstance to Frederik, Queen Margrete's eldest son and heir to the Danish throne, in May. The couple met in a Sydney bar in September 2000 during the Olympic Games there, and wed May 14.


Following the happy news, Danish media were rife with speculation over whether the royal couple would have a boy or a girl, and whether a first-born girl would be able to ascend the throne. While neighboring Sweden and Norway have changed their laws to allow the first-born child of the royal couple to become heir to the throne, regardless of its sex, Denmark's constitution still hands the throne to the couple's first male child.



expect: 預期、期待,若指懷孕則以進行式來表現,如She is expecting (a baby).

pomp and circumstance: 語出大文豪莎士比亞四大悲劇之一「奧塞羅」中的名言,pomp為名詞,有排場盛大、壯觀之意。

rife (with): 充滿、充斥。

regardless of: 不論、不顧。例句:She decided to get married with him regardless of the cost. (不論代價為何,她決定非他莫嫁。)

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