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《中英對照讀新聞》Florida’s Harry Potter weathers Pottermania and the endless phone calls佛州的哈利波特安度波特熱潮和無止盡的來電

2007/08/24 06:00


Sometimes it is a hassle being Harry Potter. Especially when you are a 78-year-old man who happens to share the name of the famous, fictional boy wizard.


Each time a new Harry Potter book or movie comes out, Florida resident Harry Potter gets phone calls from children, interview requests from TV networks and autograph requests.


"When Harry talks to the kids, they’ll ask about the owl and he’ll say, ’Oh, he came by and brought the mail," said his wife, Jan. "Then, when they’re done, the mothers come on and say thank you for talking to the kids. He gets a big kick out of it." But meeting a real Harry Potter can be a little puzzling for the kids.


"They look at you, give you the once-over," he said, laughing.



come by︰獲得、經過、造訪。例句:How did you come by that car?(你怎麼獲得那部車的?)

kick:名詞(俚語),興奮刺激;暫時迷戀。for kicks,為了取樂。例句:Those boys went vandalizing just for kicks.(那些男孩以四處亂畫牆壁為樂。)

once-over:俚語,give something a once-over,迅速清理某事(非正式用法);give someone/something the once-over,迅速打量某人或某事(非正式用法)。例句:The consular officer at the embassy gave her the once-over when she applied for a visa.(大使館的領事官在她申請簽證時,迅速打量了她一下。)

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