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《中英對照讀新聞》Dracula’s castle’ offers tourists Covid shots 「德古拉的城堡」提供觀光客武漢肺炎疫苗接種

2021/05/23 05:30



Visitors to Romania’s forbidding Bran Castle are being jabbed with needles rather than vampiric fangs this weekend in a coronavirus vaccination drive.


Those who take the jab are handed a certificate hailing their"boldness and responsibility"promising they will be welcome at the castle"for the coming 100 years" - as well as offered a free tour of the"torture chamber".


Nestled in a misty valley in the Carpathian mountains, Bran Castle is associated with the 15th-century Romanian prince Vlad Dracula.


Dracula author Bram Stoker is believed to have been inspired by Vlad and descriptions of Bran Castle when writing his 1897 novel that helped found the modern vampire genre.



nestle:動詞,位於、坐落於。例句:The wood cabin nestled between two stunning beaches.(這間小木屋坐落於兩個漂亮的海灘之間。)

misty:形容詞,多霧的、有霧的。例句:She waked up in the misty morning.(她在起霧的早晨中醒來。)

genre:名詞,體裁、風格、類型。例句:My favorite film genre is horror flick.(我最喜歡的電影類型是恐怖片。)

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