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《中英對照讀新聞》In the absence of tourists, locals reclaim their cities/沒了觀光客,當地人拿回他們的城市

2020/06/24 05:30



In Barcelona, Laia and her daughter stroll peacefully in Park Guell. At the same time, Mladen savours the silence of the marble alleys of Dubrovnik while Fabiana soaks up the calm of old Lisbon.


These three corners of three cities, known for the hustle and clamour of tourists, are unusually tranquil.


The 42,000 inhabitants of the Croatian city of Dubrovnik, the "pearl of the Adriatic" where some of the television series "Game of Thrones" was filmed, are also rediscovering beaches which had become overrun by tourists.


It is a two-edged sword, bringing peace and calm as well as anxiety over the future of the economy.


"We have been able to relax a bit during those two, almost three months," says Mladen Kriz, a 43-year-old telecom technician.


"At the same time, without tourists it is a bit empty," admits Kriz. "A lot of people live on that here. How will we live without tourists?" (AFP)



reclaim:動詞,拿回、取回;改造開拓(土地)。例句:Did you reclaim your purse from the lost property office yet? (你從失物招領處那裡找回錢包了嗎?)

soak up:片語,吸收,充分享受。例句:Give me a moment to soak up the atmosphere here.(讓我享受一下這裡的氣氛。)

overrun:動詞,氾濫、橫行。例句:The old house is overrun with rats.(這棟老房子老鼠橫行。)

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