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《中英對照讀新聞》Cancel them! For Olympic opponents in Japan, a delay isn’t enough 全部取消!對反奧運日本人來說,延期還不夠

2020/04/09 05:30



For many in Japan, the postponement of the Olympics is a heartbreaking necessity. But for a small and motley crew opposed to the Games altogether, it doesn’t go far enough.


"Damn it! We absolutely reject postponement. The Olympics should be abolished," anti-Games activists tweeted after the 2020 Olympics was delayed.


"One of the things that most annoys me is the commercialism of the event," said 59-year-old Toshio Miyazaki. Miyazaki works for the Tokyo city government, but he is vocal about his opposition to the event.


Kumiko Sudo said she was uncomfortable with the nationalist undertones she feels are associated with the Games. She was also angered by moves Tokyo made in the run-up to the Games, including clearing out makeshift camps occupied by homeless people.


Even so, in domestic surveys, only around 10 percent of respondents think the Games should be cancelled.(AFP)



motley:形容詞,混雜的。例句:There was a motley collection of furniture in the house.(屋內有雜七雜八的家具。)

vocal:形容詞,暢所欲言的。例句:She has always been a vocal critic of the government.(她向來直言不諱地針砭政府。)

undertone:名詞,低聲;淺色;潛在的含意。例句:It was a movie with an undertone of feminism.(這是一部隱含女權主義的電影。)

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