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中英對照讀新聞》Osaka airport introduces canine comfort room, complete with pole大阪機場推行狗廁所,配有小便桿

2020/02/29 05:30



Osaka’s Itami airport is setting up a toilet area for travelling dogs, complete with a pole for them to cock a leg on.


The toilet, in a fenced-off yard outside the terminal, will also have a shower and water bowls. The "pee pole" will flush.


Designed to encourage dogs to relieve themselves before boarding domestic flights, it will be the first such canine comfort facility at a Japanese aiport.


Service dogs are permitted to use disabled-accessible toilets in the terminal but the mess must be cleaned up. (Reuters)



complete with:片語,指包括、連同、配有。例句:It would be ideal if the meal is completed with desserts.(餐後若有甜點就完美了。)

cock a leg:俚語,指公狗撒尿。例句:Take your dog out so it can cock a leg.(帶你的狗出門,讓牠可以尿尿。)

fence:名詞,指柵欄、籬笆、買賣贓物的人;動詞,指擊劍、買賣贓物、用籬笆圍起來、築欄防護保衛。例句:He tries his best to mend fences with her.(他盡力和她重修舊好。)

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