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《中英對照讀新聞》Smile! Your boss may be watching! 微笑吧!你的上司可能正在看你呢!

2007/06/14 06:00


Government employees in a Malaysian state are being monitored by security cameras to keep them from slacking off at work or vanishing for long tea breaks, a news report said.


Sixteen closed-circuit television cameras were installed recently to improve security in northeastern Terengganu state’s main government administrative complex, but they serve an additional purpose of keeping tabs on some 1,000 workers there, Terengganu State Secretary Mokhtar Nong told The Star newspaper.


"We would know if they are adhering to office etiquette or playing truant, and we can also gauge if they are disciplined at work," Mokhtar said, adding that another 26 cameras will be set up soon.



slack off:指放鬆、懈怠,如 Everyone slacks off/up a bit at the end of the week.(到了週末,大家都會稍微放鬆一些。)

keep tabs on sth/sb:密切監視某事或某人,如 I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don’t overdraw.(我習慣經常檢查銀行帳戶,以免透支。)

play truant/play hooky:指逃學、曠課,如Most parents are horrified when they discover their children have been playing truant from school.(大多數家長在得知小孩曠課後,都會大為吃驚。)truant作名詞時則指逃學、曠課者,如The truants were caught and sent back to school.(逃學的學生被逮到,並送回學校去。)

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