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《中英對照讀新聞》Kim’s new interpreter debut 金正恩新口譯首度亮相

2019/03/10 06:00



The new interpreter of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un came to the stage at the Hanoi summit. Accompanying Kim is Sin Hye-yong. Not much is known about Sin, who hadn’t been identified by the media until the beginning of the summit.


Sin made her debut when Kim met with Trump at Hanoi’s Metropole hotel where they had dinner together on the first day of the summit. Since then, she has been translating Kim’s every word into English for Trump.


Sin is the only person who is allowed to join the one-to-one meeting between the leaders, and is likely to be highly trusted by the North’s regime with her English ability. Critics say the reason behind the change of interpreters was likely due to the possibility that Trump’s female interpreter Lee Yun-hyang, attracted media attention as the sole female figure, which somewhat derailed the summit.



make one’s debut:片語,首次演出(登台、亮相、進入社交界)、出道。Ang Lee made his debut as a Hollywood director in 1995.(李安1995年首次擔綱好萊塢電影導演。)

somewhat:本文作副詞,有點、稍微。He is somewhat more confident than he used to be.(他比過去自信了一點。)

derail:動詞,(使)…出(脫)軌、阻(妨)礙。The plot was seen as an attempt to derail the negotiations.(這場陰謀被視為企圖阻撓談判。)

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