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《中英對照讀新聞》Why young single people in Japan are no longer having sex 為何日本年輕人不再做愛

2018/10/09 06:00



Almost half of young Japanese people are virgins because they don’t have time to date and prefer alternatives such as pornography and sex robots, a documentary has found.


A TV documentary titled Sex in Japan: Dying for Company has attempted to answer why young people are having less sex. One main reason was that people said they are working increasingly long hours with low job security, meaning they are struggling to find time to date.


Some 44 per cent of unmarried women and 42 per cent of unmarried men in Japan admitted they were virgins in The 2015 National Fertility Survey. The study also found 60 per cent of women and 70 per cent of men aged 18-34 said they were single.


Japan has multibillion-dollar sex industry made up of hostess bars, fetish clubs, masturbation clubs, love hotels, sex shops, maid cafes and a rapid rise in the popularity of increasingly realistic sex dolls and robots. The abundance of alternatives to sex means there is less urgency to find a girlfriend.



alternative:名詞,替代方案、可選擇的東西。例句:There must be an alternative to people sleeping on the streets.(一定有不讓人們露宿街頭的替代方案。)

hostess bar/club:名詞,酒店、夜總會。例句:Hostess clubs are a common feature in the night-time entertainment industry of East Asian countries.(酒店是東亞國家夜間娛樂產業的常見面貌。)

fetish:名詞,戀物癖、特殊性癖。例句:He has a fetish for high heels.(他有對高跟鞋的戀物癖。)

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