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《中英對照讀新聞》Gran left ’very shocked’ after unwanted horse delivered 送來一匹沒人要的馬,讓阿嬤「非常震驚」

2018/07/18 06:00



A grandmother was "very shocked" to find a horse in her back garden after her 13-year-old granddaughter ordered it from the internet.


The teenager saw an advert online that said if nobody wanted the animal, it would be put to sleep, the RSPCA said.


Giving her grandmother’s address in Stoke-on-Trent, the horse was later left in her back garden. The animal welfare charity said the horse, named Mr. Melvin Andrews, was underweight and covered in mites. Charlotte Melvin, from the charity, said a man dumped the horse at the house on Ford Green Road with "no words of advice" on 27 April, "leaving a very shocked nan".


She said Mr. Melvin Andrews "clearly was not treated well before being abandoned" and the previous owner has not been found. He is now in the care of horse charity, World Horse Welfare. The RSPCA has appealed for any information about Mr. Melvin Andrews’s previous home.



unwanted:沒人要的、多餘的、有害的。例句:The drug can cause unwanted side effects.(這種藥會引發有害的副作用。)

put to sleep:安樂死、消除。例句:She always seemed so well-prepared that my worries were put to sleep.(她似乎總是準備就緒,我的擔憂因此消除。)

in the care of sb.:由負責照顧。例句:She left her baby in the care of her mother.(她將寶寶交給母親照顧。)

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