《中英對照讀新聞》YouTube most popular social media platform in Korea: poll-民調:「YouTube」為南韓最受歡迎社群媒體平台
根據最近一份民調,「YouTube」乃南韓最受歡迎的社群媒體平台。圖為YouTube於2016年6月30日在首爾「SPLEX」數位中心舉行的「Pop-up Space Seoul」快閃攝影棚活動,這類活動僅開放當地擁有一定訂閱人數的YouTube網路紅人參加,YouTube亞太內容營運總監大衛.麥唐諾在場說明該活動的主旨。(歐新社檔案照)
YouTube has emerged as the most popular social media platform in South Korea with nearly three in 10 users relying on the platform, a poll showed Friday.
According to the January survey of 200 South Koreans aged 20 or older, 27.6 percent of respondents picked YouTube as their favorite social network platform. Naver Blog came next with 17 percent, followed by Facebook with 15.6 percent, Instagram with 14.8 percent, Band with 11.2 percent and Kakao Story with 9.6 percent, according to the poll taken by local pollster Open Survey.
據1月份對200名20歲(含)以上南韓民眾的調查,27.6%的受訪者選YouTube為其最喜愛的社群媒體平台。南韓當地民調機構「Open Survey」所做民調顯示,本土的「Naver部落格」以17%居次,「臉書」以15.6%緊跟在後, Instagram為14.8%、本土的「Band」和「Kakao故事」各有11.2%與9.6%。
Meanwhile, Naver, South Korea’s top online portal, was the most popular search engine in the country with an overwhelming 75.2 percent of those surveyed choosing it. Google placed second with 11.8 percent, trailed by Daum with 10.2 percent.
emerge as:動詞片語,成為……。Christians emerge as key patrons for Jews moving to Israel.(基督徒成為猶太人遷移至以色列的重要贊助者。)
overwhelming:形容詞,壓倒性的、勢不可當(難以抗拒)的。The home team had the support of the overwhelming majority of the spectators.(地主隊擁有壓倒性多數的觀眾支持。)
trail:動詞,落後於……、拖曳、跟蹤。The candidate is trailing behind his competitor in the opinion polls.(該候選人目前在民調上落後他的對手。)
川普欲取格陵蘭 德總理蕭茲警告邊界不可侵犯
南韓公調處逮尹錫悅暫無動靜 第二次逮捕令有這些「眉角」
空拍畫面驚悚 洛杉磯多處野火釀5死 燒毀約1/4個台北市
菲律賓突襲網路詐騙中心 逮400外國人「很多是中國人」
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