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《中英對照讀新聞》Canadian doctors:cancel our pay rise and spend money elsewhere 加拿大醫師:取消我們的加薪,把錢花在別的地方

2018/03/21 06:00



Nearly 800 doctors and medical residents in the Canadian province of Quebec have signed a letter protesting against plans to raise their pay, arguing that the funds would be better spent on other areas of the province’s beleaguered healthcare system.


"We, Quebec doctors, are asking that the salary increases granted to physicians be cancelled and that the resources of the system be better distributed for the good of healthcare workers.’’


It was drafted late last month by Médecins québécois pour le régime public, a group of doctors and medical students who support public healthcare.


The letter says recent pay raises negotiated by their professional associations as "shocking", given the "draconian cuts" that have left nurses, orderlies and others overworked and underpaid, as well as led to a widespread lack of services for patients.


The Quebec government recently announced increases of 1.4% and around 1.8% for specialists and general practitioners respectively, while recent data suggests that the average specialist in Quebec makes C$403,500 annually, while family physicians make C$255,000.



for the good of :為了…利益或好處。例句:The president has emphasized that pension reform is for the good of the country.(總統強調,年金改革是為了國家好。)

draconian:嚴酷的、殘忍的。例如:draconian forms of punishment.(殘酷的懲罰形式。)

overworked:過勞的。例句:She was overworked and exhausted.(她工作過度,筋疲力竭。)

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