中英對照讀新聞》Smileys make people more stupid in their correspondence 通信時使用笑臉更顯愚蠢
It has been scientifically proven that the more you smile, the more people you like, however, according to a new study, this does not mean that it is the same with smiles and other emoji.
"Our data show that, despite the way people smile, emoticons do not increase the warmth of the person’s perception, but on the contrary cause doubts about his competence," says Dr. Ella Glickson of the University of Ben-Gurion in Israel. "In official business letters, a smiley is not a smile."
In a study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, under the heading The Dark Side of Smiley, 549 participants from 29 different countries were interviewed. Participants read working e-mails from people they did not know and assessed the competence and overall perception of their sender. At the same time, some letters contained emoticons and other emoji, while others did not. The result showed that, contrary to the action of an ordinary smile, the smileys did not have a positive effect on the person’s perception of the correspondence over the network.
correspondence:名詞,通信、信件。例句:Many colleges and universities offer correspondence courses, which give students the chance to learn new skills or earn credits without physically attending the school. (許多大專院校提供函授課程,讓學生不必親自到校就有機會學習新技能或取得學分。)
emoticon:名詞,表情符號、顏文字。例句:An emoticon used to convey emotion in a text only medium, such as (ˊ_〉ˋ) , XD and :).(顏文字通常只利用鍵盤符號表達情緒,例如淡定、大笑、微笑。)
competence:名詞,能力、權限。例句:The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.(最能考驗語文能力的便是寫作功力。)
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