《中英對照讀新聞》‘Kimchi juice’ a red-hot seller on Amazon-「泡菜果汁」在亞馬遜熱賣
After traditional Korean side dish kimchi achieved a global reputation and spawned a string of byproducts ― like kimchi lasagna and kimchi pasta ― kimchi juice is the latest hot product on e-commerce site Amazon.
One American health food maker introduced the "organic, fresh, raw" juice and it sold out on June 7. The 32-ounce drink is priced at $17 and described as vegan, gluten free and kosher.
The site says the juice is naturally fermented without the fish sauce, shrimp sauce, sugar and preservatives commonly found in commercial kimchi and loaded with lactobacillus kimchii, a healthy probiotic bacterium that aids digestion.
Netizens left positive comments, saying it is "addictive," "a flavor you cannot get enough of" and "the nectar of the gods." Some fans said they chose the juice because of its probiotics and enzymes necessary for gut health.
spawn:動詞,產生、造成。The Salmon swims upstream to spawn .(鮭魚逆流而上產卵。)
fement:動詞,(使)發酵、醞釀。We ferment the grapes for a long time to achieve high alcohol content.(為讓酒精含量高,我們使葡萄長時間發酵。)
load:動詞,裝、使充滿。He loaded his handgun carefully.(他小心翼翼地把手槍裝填彈藥。)
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