中英對照讀英文》Robocop joins Dubai police to fight real life crime/機器警察加入杜拜警力共同打擊真實犯罪

A robotic policeman which can help identify wanted criminals and collect evidence has joined Dubai’s police force and will patrol busy areas in the city, as part of a government program aimed at replacing some human crime-fighters with machines.
If the "Robocop" experiment is successful, Dubai Police says it wants the unarmed robots to make up 25 percent of its patrolling force by 2030.
Clad in the colors of the Dubai Police uniform, the life-size robot, which can shake hands and perform a military salute, is the lighter side of a government plan to use technology to improve services and security ahead of Dubai hosting Expo 2020.
"These kind of robots can work 24/7. They won’t ask you for leave, sick leave or maternity leave. It can work around the clock," said Brigadier Khalid Nasser Al Razooqi, director general of the Smart Services Department at Dubai Police.
Members of the public can also talk to the robot to report a crime or communicate with it using a touch screen computer embedded in its chest. (Reuters)
be aimed at:片語,指旨在、為了。例句:The plan is aimed at this point.(此計畫目的就是這點。)
host:名詞,指主人、節目主持人、眾多;動詞,指做東、主辦、主持。例句:They have brought a host of problems.(他們帶來了一堆問題。)
embed:動詞,指嵌入、栽種、深刻記住。例句:She embeded those negatives in mind.(她把那些不好的事牢記心裡。)