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《中英對照讀新聞》Operatic tantrum may cost star tenor dear在劇院中的盛怒表現恐令明星男高音付出昂貴代價

2007/01/11 06:00


Opera is no stranger to sensitive singers and demanding divas.


But star tenor Roberto Alagna’s dramatic walkout during a performance at Milan’s La Scala opera house in response to boos in the crowd may be a tantrum too far, critics warn.


Not even Maria Callas, arguably the ultimate operatic prima donna, did what the 43-year-old Frenchman did, leaving fellow performers stunned midway through an act and forcing an understudy wearing jeans to rush on and take over.


"I can’t recall any incident where an artist has walked off stage leaving colleagues open mouthed for no reason other than a bit of barracking," Norman Lebrecht, a leading opera commentator and critic, said.


"This could be the end of his mainstream career," he said.



cost somebody dear:片語,令某人付出昂貴代價。例句:His divorce trial cost him dear.(離婚官司,令他付出昂貴的代價。)

be a stranger to…:片語,對某…不習慣、不熟悉、外行。文中no stranger to…,意為「對…並不陌生」。類似的用法尚有︰be an outsider to…,表示「是…的門外漢」。例句︰He is an outsider to chess.(他對下棋一竅不通。)

demanding:形容詞,苛求的,使人吃力的,高要求的。例句:She studies hard to please her demanding parents.(她很用功讀書,以取悅她那要求很高的雙親。)

in response to:片語,對…的反應。例句:In response to terrorism, the United States Government has undertaken a lot of measures.(美國政府為回應恐怖主義,已採取許多措施。)

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