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《中英對照讀新聞》Private high schools to accept foreign students 私立高校將招收外籍學生

2017/04/02 06:00



Seoul’s private high schools that accept students through application are planning to take foreigners next year, according to a new Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education policy announced Wednesday.


Schools affected include: autonomous private high schools (not subject to government curriculum standards and that allow more freedom to students than conventional schools); science high schools (that nurture gifted students in science), and international high schools (that nurture gifted students with expertise in international relations).


The policy will allow the schools to admit a "small" number of foreigners, with the exact number not specified. Schools that want foreign students can submit a study plan to the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education for review.


A Seoul education authority official said authorization for foreign student enrollments will be given "after our review on certain criteria, such as whether the institution has a dormitory or a Korean language curriculum."



nurture:及物動詞,培養、養育。She stayed at home and nurture her son.(她待在家育兒。)

expertise:不可數名詞,專長、專門知識技術。It’s not really my area of expertise.(這實在不是我的專業領域。)

specify:及物動詞,詳述、說清楚。She didn’t specify exactly which documents she needed.(她沒講清楚需要什麼文件。)

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