林奏延WHA演講自稱「中華台北」 黃國昌很失望
時代力量黨主席黃國昌表示,當我們的友邦都在WHA發言支持「TAIWAN」時,代表台灣人的林奏延部長還以「CHINESE TAIPEI」自稱,令人失望。(資料照,記者簡榮豐攝)
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕率團參加世界衛生大會(WHA)的衛福部長林奏延今順利上台發表演說,但以「中華台北」(CHINESE TAIPEI)自稱,引發國內議論。時代力量立委林昶佐、黃國昌都表示,許多友邦在會中以「TAIWAN」稱呼我們,反而是林部長自己自稱「中華台北」,令人失望。民進黨立委蔡適應也說,部長未適時提到台灣,非常可惜。
林奏延今天在WHA全程以英文發表演說,呼籲各國支持「中華台北」穩健參與世衛組織活動。隨團赴日內瓦的林昶佐表示,肯定林奏延在演講中為台灣發聲,強調不該因政治因素限制台灣只能以觀察員身份參加WHA,但在林部長發言之前,許多友邦直接以「TAIWAN」取代「CHINESE TAIPEI」稱呼我們,反而是部長自己的講稿自稱「CHINESE TAIPEI」,實在令人失望。
時代力量黨主席黃國昌也在臉書表示,當我們的友邦都在WHA發言支持「TAIWAN」時,代表台灣人的林奏延部長還以「the 23 million citizens of Chinese Taipei」自稱,實在是令人失望,顯然我們還要更努力。
Mr president, Director general, fellow Health ministers ladies and gentlemen, first of all I will congratulate Mr president on his election. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Margaret Chan and the secretariat, for the efforts to facilitating Chinese Taipei’s continued participation in these assembly. As pleased 2030 development agenda by all member states, no one will be left behind. On the way towards sustainable development cause, we would like to work closely in collaborative goal global partners to transform our world.
We launched universal health insurance in 1995. It covers 99.9% of taiwanese population, and the public satisfaction rate is over 80%, the life expectancy is 80 years, infant mortality is 3.6 per 1000 life verse. Most comparable to the average of OECD countries.
Nevertheless, we faced challenges of rapid population aging, overloading health care workers, and increasing number of medical disputes. To take up these challenges, we passed the Long Term Care Service Law last year, and allocated extra resources to develop innovative and integrated service model.
In addition, we passed the Birth Injury Relieve Act, as the first step towards an lawful compensation system, for medical injury claims. This is not only provides comprehensive protection for pregnant women, but also aims to reduce medical litigation.
In response to the overload healthcare workers, we’re implementing restriction of working hours for healthcare workers, including physicians and the training.
Furthermore, we plan to cover the employed physicians under the protection of Labor Standard Act. We now have successfully transformed from an international aid recipient to an aid provider.
To help stop the global spread of infectious diseases, we have offered the past 12 months organized workers training workshops, from participants from 14 of neighboring countries, to improve regional capability to respond to ebola, mers, dengue as well as zika virus. In fact, we detected the second imported cases of zika just a few days ago. We hope to work even more closely with WHO and other international institutes to strengthen the global health security.
Moreover we are one of the world leaders in reconstructive microsurgery, craniofacial surgery and organ transplantation.
In response to the WHA and the lancet commissions on global surgery, we would like to provide training opportunity to 50 surgical trainer around the world within the next 5 years. I am a Pediatrician who has practiced over 40 years. I strive to applaud the medical associations the credition of Geneva, and I quote ”I will not permit consideration or age or origin, nationality, and political affiliations to intervene between my duty and my patient”
Ladies and Gentlemen, in the same speech, I call on WHO and its member states, to support the 23 million citizens of chinese taipei by facilitate us participate , robustly in WHA related meetings and activities. Then no one will be left behind. Thank you very much.
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大罷免時代號角響起 林志潔24日起服務處設罷免藍委實體連署站