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2015/08/21 14:41



《KTLA5》新聞台在美國洛杉磯採訪一群第一天上幼稚園的小孩,記者把麥克風伸向4歲男孩安德魯(Andrew Macias),問「上學興不興奮?」他害羞地回答「是」,但被問到「會不會想媽媽?」時,先是勇敢地說「不會」,下一秒卻馬上變臉,表情糾結地哭了出來,強力忍淚的模樣十分委屈。


The first day of school brought mixed emotions for many students, including 4-year-old Andrew Macias, who spoke to us on his way to pre-kindergarten on Tuesday. When we asked Andrew if he would miss his mother during his first day at City Terrace Elementary School, the young man firmly said, "No." He paused a second and then began to tear up. Seconds later, Andrew's mom gave him a hug off camera.Andrew was among thousands of LAUSD students who filled classrooms Tuesday morning as summer vacation officially came to an end. Read KTLA’s story here: http://ktlane.ws/1UQGTUH

Posted by KTLA 5 News on 2015年8月18日


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