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《TAIPEI TIMES》Taiwan hauls record medals at tug-of-war event

2023/09/05 03:00

Taiwan’s women’s tug-of-war team compete at the Tug of War Outdoor World Championships in Switzerland on Sunday. Photo courtesy of the Chinese Taipei Tug of War Association

NEW MARKS: Taiwanese teams took home eight golds, three silvers and one bronze over the four-day world championship in Sursee, Switzerland

By William Hetherington

Taiwanese teams took home four gold medals and three silvers at the Tug of War Outdoor World Championships in Sursee, Switzerland, over the weekend — a new record for the nation at the event.

On Saturday, the first day of the championships, Taiwan won gold in the women’s 500kg and the under-23 women’s 500kg categories, as well as silver in the under-23 mixed 560kg event.

On Sunday, Taiwan won gold in the women’s 540kg and the junior women’s 480kg categories, as well as silver in the mixed under-23 560kg and the junior 560kg categories.

Taiwan’s previous record at the championships was set during last year’s event in the Netherlands, when Taiwan took home four golds, one silver and one bronze, Chinese Taipei Tug of War Association secretary-general Cho Yao-peng (卓耀鵬) said.

In addition, at the two-day open event held prior to the championships on Thursday and Friday, Taiwan took home four gold medals and one bronze.

The four gold medals were won in the under-23 women’s 500kg, the under-23 mixed 560kg, the mixed 580kg and the women’s 540kg categories.

A junior men’s team from Taoyuan’s Shou Shan Senior High School won bronze in the under-23 men’s 560kg category.

Overall, Taiwan took home eight golds, three silvers and one bronze over the four days — the nation’s best performance to date.


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