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《TAIPEI TIMES》 MOEA allows conditional opening of some markets

2021/06/30 03:00

Food vendors wait for customers at Raohe Street Night Market in Taipei on Monday. Photo: Ritchie B. Tongo, EPA-EFE

By Angelica Oung / Staff reporter

The Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) yesterday approved the “conditional” reopening of some night markets and traditional markets provided they continue to follow COVID-19 disease prevention guidelines.

“From June 20, we gave notice to various local governments that traditional markets and night markets can resume normal operations, but only for takeout, with no on-site dining,” it said in a news release.

Five night markets yesterday received the go-ahead from the Taipei City Government to resume operations on a “conditional basis.”

The ministry said the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) had never listed night markets as one of the 11 major business categories that had to cease operations under the government’s nationwide level 3 COVID-19 alert.

However, some local governments, on their own initiative, halted operations at night markets, while other markets voluntarily suspended trade, the ministry said.

The government last week extended the level 3 alert to July 12.

The ministry yesterday said it has been coordinating with market management offices to reiterate the importance of maintaining disease prevention measures, such as crowd control and a ban on on-site dining, as markets reopen.

“The ministry will continue to communicate with local governments to discuss how to manage crowds at traditional and night markets in line with the CECC’s instructions,” it said.


A vendor at Huarong Market in Taipei’s Shilin District takes a nap during business hours yesterday. Business at most traditional markets in the city has been hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: CNA

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