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《TAIPEI TIMES》 You to confer medal on Czech Senate president

2020/08/26 03:00

A medal and a gavel that Legislative Speaker Yu Shyi-kun is to present to Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil during his visit to the legislature on Tuesday next week are displayed at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

By Sean Lin / Staff reporter

Legislative Speaker You Si-kun (游錫?) is on Tuesday next week to present a grand honorary medal of diplomatic excellence to Czech Senate President Milos Vystrcil, the Legislative Yuan said yesterday.

Vystrcil is to lead a delegation of about 90 people, which is scheduled to arrive on Sunday and depart on Friday next week. Thirty-five delegation members are scheduled to visit the Legislative Yuan, including Czech senators, senate officials and Prague Mayor Zdenek Hrib.

The delegation is to comply with instructions given by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) by tracing a route in the legislature planned for foreign visitors, separating them from Taiwanese working in the compound, the Legislative Yuan said.

They would also be asked to wear masks, and their temperatures would be checked and their hands sanitized in accordance with the CECC’s rules, it said.

You is to confer the medal on Vystrcil as a symbol of parliamentary diplomacy, it said.

Vystril is to become the first foreign dignitary from a nation with which Taiwan has no official ties to receive the medal since the rules on the conference of medals were passed in 2007, the Legislative Yuan said.

He is also to receive an 80 percent scale replica of the legislative speaker’s gavel made of aluminum alloy, it said.

The model gavel is presented to foreign parliament speakers who visit the nation, and its toughness and quaint hue symbolize the recipient’s incorruptibility and complete attention to legislation, it added.

Vystrcil is to become the 25th foreign parliamentary speaker to receive a model gavel since 2016, it said.


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