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《TAIPEI TIMES》 Longest landscape on display in Tainan

2019/05/28 03:00

Visitors look at Evergreen Spring in Taiwan at the Tainan Art Museum on Saturday. Photo: Hung Jui-chin, Taipei Times

SIXTY-SIX METERS: ’Evergreen Spring in Taiwan’ was completed piecemeal over six months by 10 ink painting artists, between trips across the nation to view the landscape

By Hung Jui-chin and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The longest painted scroll of a Taiwanese landscape went on display at the Tainan Art Museum on Saturday — its first public display in 24 years.

The work, titled Evergreen Spring in Taiwan (寶島長春圖卷), was the collaboration of 10 ink painting artists who completed the work piecemeal over six months between trips across the nation to view the landscapes that inspired them.

Vice Minister of Culture Lee Lien-chuan (李連權), Tainan Deputy Mayor Hsu Yu-tien (許育典), honorary museum director Chen Hui-tung (陳輝東) and museum director Pan Fan (潘?) were at the exhibition’s opening.

Lee Chi-mao (李奇茂) — who at 94 years old was the oldest of the 10 artists — passed away on Saturday and his memory was honored with 30 seconds of silence.

The scroll was initially commissioned in 1981 by then-National History Museum director Ho Hao-tien (何浩天), the museum said, adding that Ho commissioned Lee, Huang Chun-pi (黃君璧), Chang Ta-chien (張大千), Chang Ku-nien (張榖年), Hu Ko-min (胡克敏), Fan Po-hung (范伯洪), Lo Fang (羅芳), Su Feng-nan (蘇峰男), Lo Chen-hsien (羅振賢) and Tsai Yu (蔡友).

With a length of 66m, it is the longest scroll collaboratively painted in Taiwan, the museum said.

The painting features landscapes from major cities and points of interest throughout Taiwan proper, it said, adding that airports, harbors and scenic spots such as Pingtung County’s Kenting National Park (墾丁國家公園) and Chiayi County’s Alishan Forest Recreation Area (阿里山國家風景區) were included.

The scroll has been exhibited in South Korea, Malaysia, Belize and Denmark, the museum said, adding that it was last displayed in 1995 at the Kaohsiung Cultural Center.

Two of the four surviving painters — Lo Chen-hsien and Tsai — told those at Saturday’s opening about making the scroll.

The two started by making a sketch and then Chang Ta-chien came up with a name, they said.

Alongside the exhibition, the museum is to hold a workshop, at which visitors are to receive instruction on creating their own landscapes incorporating themes from across Taiwan, the museum said, adding that the workshop pieces would also be displayed.



A detail of Evergreen Spring in Taiwan, showing Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, is pictured at the Tainan Art Museum on Saturday. Photo: Hung Jui-chin, Taipei Times

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