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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 ‘Scary,’ ‘ghastly’ sculpture moved from Sanyi station

2016/08/03 03:00

A recently repainted wooden statue of a pale-faced woman stands in an underground passage at Sanyi Railway Station in Miaoli County on Monday. Photo: Peng Chien-li, Taipei Times

By Peng Chien-li and William Hetherington / Staff reporter, with staff writer

A repainted statue at the railway station in Miaoli County’s Sanyi Township (三義) prompted so many complaints by passengers about its ghost-like features that the Taiwan Railways Administration has moved it temporarily.

Sanyi is well-known nationwide for its wood carvings, and several carvings have been on display at the station for years.

A station official said there are about 10 carvings, most of which are in bad shape, with their paint peeling off.

“We made inquiries with the Sanyi Wood Sculpture Committee, but, at NT$5,000 per statue, it would cost NT$50,000 to restore all of the station’s carvings. The station simply does not have that money in its budget. However, the other day we were able to pay for a skilled worker experienced in the repair of wood carvings to help us with the restoration of one statue,” said the official, who declined to be named.

Visitors to the station posted on Facebook saying that the pale white color of one statue’s face, its bright red lipstick and purple clothes were frightening.

A member of the Facebook group “I am from Sanyi” (我是三義人) posted a picture of the statue on the group’s page inviting debate.

“Even though I am aware there is a statue there, it still scares me every time I pass through the station. Can I file a complaint with the Taiwan Railways Administration? Who are they trying to scare at night by putting this ghastly white female statue next to the stairs?” the person said.

Several other users posted comments such as: “I have been frightened by this statue,” while others asked: “Was she repainted? I do not remember her being so beautifully colorful.”

Others said the statue is especially frightening, as Ghost Month, the seventh month of the lunar calendar, begins today.

The station official also expressed the station’s dissatisfaction with the repair work, saying: “The results were not as anticipated. The face is indeed too white.”

The station said it would temporarily relocate the statue to avoid upsetting passengers and would decide the artwork’s ultimate fate after further discussions.


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