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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 KMT to mediate if cross-strait ties falter: Hung

2016/05/15 03:00

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu, center, attends an ROC Women’s Association meeting in Kaohsiung yesterday.  Photo: Tsai Chung-hua, Taipei Times

‘NOT SWORN ENEMIES’: The KMT chairwoman also accused the DPP of changing its stance on ractopamine after the election, and called ill-gotten assets ‘a false issue’

By Loa Iok-sin / Staff reporter

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) yesterday said that her party would mediate if cross-strait relations deteriorate after Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) president-elect Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) assumes office on Friday.

Meeting with female KMT members in Kaohsiung yesterday, Hung called on Tsai to pay special attention to cross-strait relations, as “it is the most important of all the issues that have major effects on the nation’s development.”

Hung also said that Tsai should pay equal attention to economic development, otherwise her administration might face serious consequences.

“If cross-strait relations deteriorate or move backward because the incoming government that is to take office on Friday holds a different view from the KMT’s, the KMT would not avoid the responsibility to help mediate and would not just sit and watch,” Hung said, adding that the DPP and the KMT are not sworn enemies, but merely two contestants in the same race.

“I hope that the DPP would be good and the KMT would be better, so that voters would not have to choose the lesser of two evils,” Hung said.

However, she accused the DPP of changing its stance on various issues and called on it to apologize to the public.

“In the past, the DPP criticized the KMT’s proposed bill to monitor cross-strait negotiations and agreements, saying that [Taiwan and China] should be listed as two separate nations, but now it is retracting the comments,” Hung said. “The DPP said that US beef products with ractopamine are toxic, and now it is changing its stance as the ban on importing US pork products [containing ractopamine] might be lifted.”

“It once criticized the KMT and now it is following in the KMT’s footsteps — the DPP should apologize to the public for that,” she said.

Hung said the move to deal with ill-gotten party assets was a “false issue,” saying that the KMT “would not keep even a cent if it does not belong to us and would not give up an inch if it belongs to us.”

“The party assets issue should not be used for political manipulation,” she said.

Hung said that, as an opposition party, the KMT’s main foreign policy direction would be “staying close to the US and keeping a friendly relationship with Japan while making peace with China.”

“The US has always been our close ally; we need its support, but we cannot become its tool,” Hung said. “We should stay friends with Japan, while maintaining a peaceful and stable relationship with China.”


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