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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 NCKU teacher pans ‘arrogant,’ ‘disrespectful’ students

2016/05/08 03:00

A homework assignment handed in by a National Cheng Kung University student is displayed in Tainan yesterday. Photo: Wang Chieh, Taipei Time

TEACHER TANTRUM: The morals of a student can be judged by the paper they use to do their homework on, the teacher said, alluding to institutional problems

By Wang Chieh and Jake Chung / Staff reporter, with staff writer

A National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) lecturer has described some of his students as “arrogant” for turning in assignments written on scraps of waste paper.

According to the professor — whose name was not disclosed — most of the class turned in their assignments in fine print and on clean paper, but a few handed in their work on crumpled pieces of paper, while one “disrespectful” student’s assignment was written on a sheet of lyrics for an English song.

Students’ morals can be judged by the paper they use to do their homework on, the lecturer said, adding that while from the perspective of environmental protection, the students’ efforts were commendable, they should have at least written the homework on the blank side of the lyric sheet.

Whether it is between student and lecturer, or the field of interpersonal relations as a whole, respect is an important value to uphold, the lecturer said.

The lecturer said that while it is common for college students to come up with all sorts of wild excuses for absences, that it happened at NCKU — an establishment that enjoys a solid reputation — points to larger problems.

If only 20 students out of a total of 70 show up at a class held only once a week, there is a problem with the student body’s self-discipline, and if this issue is allowed to fester the university will end up paying a heavy price, the lecturer said.

The university’s students are very smart, but as a result they are too arrogant, the instructor said, adding that the university should invest more time in bringing the students’ morals up to par.

The school on Thursday said the instructor involved declined to make any further comment and the student singled out for the teacher’s harshest criticism also had nothing to say.

The school said that the students’ actions were just a form of self-expression and had nothing to do with moral failings, adding that it would be speaking with the teacher.


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