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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 China puts producer Angie Chai on exit restriction list

2014/09/27 03:00

Television producer Angie Chai, left, speaks during a press conference with actor Kai Ko on Aug. 30 in Taipei in which Ko apologized for smoking marijuana in China last month. Photo: Pan Shao-tang, Taipei Times

/ Staff writer, with CNA

The Ministry of Justice yesterday confirmed that China has issued exit restrictions on Angie Chai (柴智屏), a Taiwanese producer with several television hit shows under her belt.

After verifying with Chinese authorities, the ministry said that Chai is suspected of having committed criminal offenses and would be barred from leaving if she should enter China.

Chai is suspected of trying to bribe Chinese authorities to help Taiwanese actor Kai Ko (柯震東), who was arrested and detained last month for smoking marijuana at the Beijing home of Jackie Chan’s (成龍) son, Jaycee Chan (房祖明).

Chai is Ko’s business manager.

That meant Chai would face arrest should she attempt to enter China.

Earlier reports quoted Chai as saying that she was dealing with movie distribution affairs in Singapore and Malaysia. Her whereabouts could not be confirmed.

On Thursday, a blogger posted a picture on Sina Weibo of a document, purportedly issued by the Jilin provincial prosecutors’ office in China, saying that Chai and another executive from her company “are suspected of having committed criminal offenses and are restricted from leaving [China].”

The document showed the names, birth dates and ID numbers of the two executives.

The blogger also said that Chai, a frequent presence on the microblogging site, had not posted on the site since Sept. 9.

Chai posted messages last night saying that she is fine and traveling outside China. She denied that she had bribed Chinese officials or that she was involved in a scandal at China’s CCTV network.

Her message mentioned the possibility of disputes over the granting of rights and sales of her TV shows in China, and vouched that she would cooperate with investigations by Chinese authorities.

Chai wrote that she has done plenty of business in China’s entertainment industry, but she has never paid a bribe in the dealings.

Chai is best known for her 2001 hit show Meteor Garden.


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