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《TAIPEI TIMES 焦點》 MAC says Chang probe a necessity

2014/08/25 03:00

/ Staff writer, with CNA

The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) defended a probe into a former top official dealing with sensitive China policies yesterday, indicating that the investigation is necessary to preserve the nation’s long-term interests.

The government has to mitigate the impact that the probe into former MAC deputy minister Chang Hsien-yao (張顯耀) might have on cross-strait negotiations in the near term, council officials said, given that the nation will not be in a position to strive for its best interests at the negotiation table with China if there are doubts about the integrity of its negotiators.

The council also dismissed media speculation that it might have defined the type of information leaked as classified after it received complaints about Chang’s alleged misbehavior.

An article carried in the Chinese-language China Times yesterday called the designation into question, saying that the information allegedly leaked might not constitute state secrets as stipulated under the Classified National Security Information Protection Act (國家機密保護法).

Meanwhile, the Investigation Bureau dismissed other media reports describing Chang as having engaged in espionage, saying it has never referred to him as a spy.

The bureau has said it suspects Chang of having leaked state secrets, which could possibly constitute treason, sparking media speculation of espionage.

However, it stressed that this does not mean it has accused Chang of spying for China.

The council forced Chang to resign on Aug. 16, citing national security concerns.

It then referred the case to the bureau.

Chang has maintained his innocence, accusing the authorities of fabricating the accusations against him.


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