《中英對照讀新聞》Monkey selfie ignites a copyright dispute-猴子自拍照引發著作權爭議
Monkey see, monkey do. But when a monkey takes a selfie, who owns the copyright?
Photographer David Slater complained that Wikipedia rejected his requests for the images to be removed from the website. He said he owns the copyright to the images of crested black macaque monkeys, which were taken in the Indonesian jungle in 2011.
Slater told the BBC that although the monkeys pressed the button, he had set the self-portraits up by framing them and setting the camera on a tripod.
But Wikimedia Foundation argued that Slater didn’t own the copyright to the photos because he didn’t take the images.
It said no one owned the copyright to the images, because under U.S. law, "copyright cannot vest in non-human authors" — the monkeys in this case.
"When a work’s copyright cannot vest in a human, it falls into the public domain. We believe that to be the case here," the group said in a statement.
selfie:名詞,指「自拍」或「自拍照」,尤指自拍後上傳至社交網站的照片;為社交媒體新興用語,曾當選牛津字典2013年度風雲字。例句:She is a selfie-lover and has taken many selfies of herself.(她是個自拍愛好者,而且拍過很多她自己的自拍照。)
"Monkey see, monkey do.":俚語,字面上指「猴子看到某行為會模仿照做」,意為「有樣學樣」或「盲目追隨」。例句:David takes after his father. Monkey see, monkey do!(大衛很像他的爸爸。有樣學樣啊!)
vest:名詞,指馬甲、防護背心,或汗衫、內衣;動詞,指使穿衣服、授予權力財產等,或穿衣服、權力財產等歸屬於。例句:The Constitution vests the President with Executive Power.(美國憲法賦予總統行政權。)