《中英對照讀新聞》Why women who lust after Brad Pitt may just fancy his immune system 為何女人渴望布萊德彼特或許只是中意他的免疫系統
Women who lust over handsome stars such as Brad Pitt may really be craving their immune systems. Their chiselled faces and toned bodies are a sign that they have more antibodies to fight off diseases, and women are hardwired to want to pass these genes on to the children, according to research by Abertay University.
The findings suggest that women might be more attracted to men with high levels of the sex hormone testosterone because they have a healthier immune system.
Sexual characteristics in male faces are testosterone-dependent, but how the sex hormone affects immune function is unclear.
The researchers measured the immune responses of 74 Latvian men in their early twenties to a hepatitis vaccine, and determined the blood concentrations of testosterone and cortisol. They then asked Latvian women of a similar age to rank the participants by facial attractiveness on a 10 point scale.
The team found that men with a strong immune response had high levels of testosterone and were perceived as more attractive. Men with low levels of testosterone tended to have higher concentrations of cortisol, suggesting that their immune responses might have been inhibited by the stress hormone.
lust:動詞或名詞,貪慾、渴望。例句:He has a strong lust for power.(他有強烈的權力慾望。)
fancy:動詞或名詞,想像,想要,愛慕;形容詞,昂貴的、過度的。例句:This house just strikes my fancy.(這間房子正合我意。)
crave:動詞或名詞,渴望,懇求。例句:I can’t resist my crave for fried chicken.(我克制不了想吃炸雞的渴望。)